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Helpful Hints

Pink Blossoms Illustration

         Keep your flowers in a cool place.


        Avoid direct sunlight as this dehydrates your                 flowers prematurely


       Keep flowers away from heating or cooling vents.


       Keep flowers away from ripening fruit and                      vegetables as they give off ethylene gas, which shortens the vase life of the flowers.


       Use flower food/preservative to prolong flower            life.


       Clean water regularly – every two days.


       Remove any dead blossoms, leaves or foliage                from the arrangement.


       Cut stems at 45 degree angle (approx 1 inch)                every second day as this helps lengthen the life of your cut flowers.


       Use a clean vase – wash the vase to ensure it is            clean, and does not have soapy residue remaining

What's in Season


Aster, Belladonna Lily, Bird of Paradise, Bouvardia, Budlia, Calla Lily, Christmas Bells, Cornflowers, Dahlia, Delphinium, Roses, Frangipani, Freesia, Garden Roses, Gardenia, Ginger, Gladioli, Gloriosa Lily, Grevillea, Heliconia, Holly, Hydrangea, Jasmine, Lily, Larkspur, Lavender, Leucadendron, Liatris, Lisianthus, Mini Roses, November Lily, Oriental Lily, Pansy, Peony, Pineapple Lilies, Pixie Spray Carnation, Privet Berries, Proteas, Queen Anne’s Lace, Smoke Bush, Sim Carnation, Solidaster, Stephanotis, Sunflowers, Sweet Pea, Tiger Lily, Tuberose, Water Lilies., Zinnia


Alstomeria, Anthurium, Asters, Azalea, Baby’s Breath, Bird of Paradise, Bruneii, Cosmos, Delphinium, Roses, Easter Daisy, Frangipani, Garden Roses, Gardenia, Gladioli, Hangers, Hydrangea, Iris, Jonquil, Lily, Lavender, Leucadendron, Lisianthus, Nerine, November Lily, Pixie Carnation, Poppies, Privet Berries, Proteas, Sim Carnation, Stephanotis, Stock, Sweet Pea, Tiger Lily, Tropical Orchids, Tuberose, Tulips, Violets, Water Lilies


Anemone, Anthuriums, Australian Natives, Bird of Paradise, Bixia, Blossom, Camellia, Cyclamen, Cymbidium Orchids, Daffodil, Dahlia, Daphne, Delphinium, Erlicheer, Erica, Freesia, Gerbera, Heliconia, Hyacinth, Hydrangea, Roses, Jasmine, Jonquil, Kale, Lily, Oriental Lily, Lotus Pods, Lisianthus, Nerine, November Lily, Phally Orchid, Pixie Carnation, Poppy, Ping Pong Chrysie, Ranunculus, Rhododendron, Rosehip, Sim Carnation, Orchids, Stock, Sweet Pea, Tiger Lily, Tropical Claws, Tropical Orchids, Tulip, Violet, Wattle. Gymea Lily


Alstromeria, Astillbe, Andromata Pierus, Anenome, Arum Lily, Australian Natives, Amaranthus,Azalea, Baby’s Breath, Blossom, Boronia, Blue Bells, Chinchineree, Calendula, Calla Lily, Canterbury Bells. Camellia, Cornflowers, Daffodil, Delphinium, Erica, Erlicheer, Figs, Flannel Flower, Forget me not, Foxgloves, Freesia, Garden Roses, Gardenia, Guilder Rose, Hyacinth, Jasmine, Rose Lily, Lavender, Lilac, Lily of the Valley, Lupins, Mallacca Balm, November Lily, Oriental Lily, Paper daisy, Peony Rose, Phaly Orchid, Pin cushion, Pixie Carnation, Poppy, Queen Annes Lace, Ranunculus, Rhododendron, Sim Carnation, Snapdragon, Stephanotis, Stock, Sweet Pea, Sweet William, Tiger Lily, Tropical Orchids, Tulip, Arum Lily, Waratah, Wax flower

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